Concerning  H.pylori

  1. Instructions for samples

For biopsy Preferably, send 2 biopsies (one antral and one fundic) in order to increase the sensitivity of detection by culture.

                 According to the time from sampling to delivery, instructions of sending differ:

  • - less than 4h: biopsy is placed in sterile container sealed with a screw-cap lid filled with 1-2mL of physiologic water and kept  between 2 to 8°C
  • - between 4-24h : biopsy must be stored in semi-solid or solid transport medium (Amies or Stuart medium) between 2 to 8°C
  • - more than 24h :  biopsy must be stored frozen at -20°C (or preferably) -80°C and transferred in dry ice ( or in liquid nitrogen)

For strains : Fresh (<24h) and pure culture in sterile tube containing horse blood or on blood agar in microaerophilic pack transported at room temperature with a maximum 24h. Storage of the referred strain at the local laboratory is recommended in case of loss of the isolate or non viable isolate.  Please contact the laboratory in order to inform when the shipping is scheduled.

For stools : Stools in a hermetic recipient without additive transported at room temperature maximum 24h, at 4°C maximum 72h and frozen (dry ice or liquid nitrogen) if >72h

For serum/plasma : Minimum 500µL of serum or plasma conserved maximum 3 days between 2-8°C  , over 3 days sample must be frozen


Please complete and join the following submission form to your invoice: download “H.pylori_submission form”

Samples can be sent to the following address


Laboratory of microbiology

National Reference Center of Helicobacter pylori

Pr Te-Din Huang or Pr. Olivier Denis

Avenue Dr Gaston Therasse, 1

BE-5530 Yvoir



  1. Unacceptable request

The analysis request may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Incomplete submission form
  • Misidentification or unidentified samples
  • Inappropriate sample (gastric lavage)
  • Obvious inappropriate or delayed conditions of storage or transport
  • Biopsy stored in a fixative medium


  1. Communications of results

The expected time from sample reception protocol:

For the species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing

  • For analysis on biopsy, the definitive protocol is sent by postal mail within 2 weeks for negative results and within a maximum of 3 weeks in case of positive results.
  • For analysis on strains, the definitive protocol is sent by postal mail within 10 working days

For the others analysis, the definitive protocol is sent by postal mail within 10 working days




Rue Docteur Gaston Therasse 1, 5530 Yvoir (Belgique)